The Day I Traded Recipes with a Jaguar

“What the hell do you want?” I snapped, turning angrily towards the plant hiding in the corner of the empty waiting room.   

“Oh. You’re thirsty.” I say to no one or maybe to the plant as I proceed to find my water bottle so I can water it.

“Geez, Eileen”, I think to myself, “Plants are talking to you now too? What the hell? I must be going crazy! I sure hope this shrink can help fix me.”

Hello!! I am so grateful that you are here! I am Eileen, an animal communicator who helps animals and their humans connect and solve problems. I want to share the wisdom, stories, and experiences I’ve collected communicating with animals and maybe we’ll all learn something and have some fun!  As this is my first issue, I thought I would share the story of Manny and how he, a beautiful Jaguar, opened up the world of animal communication to me. But to do that, I have to start at the beginning.

As a child I felt other people’s feelings. I didn’t know they weren’t mine. I didn’t understand it.  The adults in my life certainly did not. It just felt scary and I got in trouble for it. Mr. Spock from Star Trek became my hero. I fell in love with math and logic! I became a computer geek and life was good and safe.

Fast forward a few decades…

This exquisite sensitivity (as doctors called it) came back online and I could no longer shut it down or ignore it. Suddenly I’m feeling people’s belly laughs. (Now, that was cool).  But I was also feeling people’s anger and sadness and confusion and everything in between. It was freaking me out!  

Thinking I was going crazy I went to get professional help; to get fixed.  But the professionals said, “You are not crazy. You have an exquisite sensitivity. You need to embrace it”. Reluctantly, I started to take their advice and decided to turn “my crazy” into an animal communication profession!

I started getting bold enough to talk about my dream. One fine run of the mill workday, I rather offhandedly mentioned to a fellow computer nerd,  “I have been toying with the idea of becoming an animal communicator.”

To my utter shock she replies, “I do cat rescue and I know an animal communicator – Laura Lassiter ( She’s great! I work with her all the time.” I was expecting my co-worker to laugh and say “Good luck with that!”. Instead she hands me my teacher. 

I soon found myself on a Zoom call with Laura. I was excited and nervous. Do I have what it takes? Can I really do this?  Can I prove to Laura and myself that I can talk with animals?

Laura shares this picture of a beautiful and majestic jaguar and says, “Let’s talk with Manny”.

Laura had no way of knowing that I’ve always considered the jaguar to be my spirit animal. For most of my Life I’ve always felt there was a jaguar that walked beside me wherever I went.  Of course I’ve never told this to anyone. They’d think I was crazy! And yet, here I am and my first fully-verifiable and official animal communication session is with a jaguar .

Holy crap. 

The session starts as one would expect.  She has me ask Manny questions and I share Manny’s answers. 

“What was your life like before you came to Big Cats Rescue?”

Manny replies, “I lived in a cage. It was dark. It was cold. I was lonely. I was hungry. I didn’t like it.”

To me, they were all stock answers.  I knew he was rescued from a zoo.  Despite assurances that my answers were all accurate it proved nothing to me about my abilities.  Any “mind” could logically come up with those answers.  I was woefully unimpressed until the last question.

“What is Manny’s favorite food?”

Well, I panicked.  I was expecting to get an answer like “fish” or “meat” or “hot dogs”.  You know… a food. I brace myself, take a really deep breath and reply, “Well… I don’t know what his favorite food is. I think I failed at this. I’m sorry Laura.  What I see is him playing with something and he’s batting it around between his 2 front paws the way a cat plays with a toy and it’s red.”

“Eileen”, Laura responds, “Manny’s favorite food is what we call a blood-cicle.  It’s a cupful of blood that is frozen and he bats it around like he’s playing with his prey before his final pounce.”

Wait… What? I had it right? There is no way my mind could have come up with that answer.  I WAS actually talking with a jaguar!

It’s been a few years since that first. Embracing animal communication has felt like coming home; it makes me feel whole. It’s been scary but there’s no turning back now. I don’t think I can ever get tired of talking with animals. They are amazing and I’m making a difference in the lives of humans and their animal companions! 

  • I helped a human understand that their dog (a rescue) wasn’t pooping in the house because she was untrainable. Instead, she was pooping because of a trauma she experienced as a young pup.
  • I helped another human understand that their cats stopped using the litter box because its location was near a corner of the house where the next door neighbor’s yappy dog did its business.
  • I helped several humans who were grappling with whether it was time to euthanize their companion bringing them peace of mind knowing what their animal companion’s wishes were.  

What do you think? I’d love to get your feedback (email me at I’d love to learn what kinds of things you’d like to read about?  What questions do you have about animal communication? How can I make this newsletter a huge success for all of us!  

Embracing My Crazy,


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