VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing is one of the most powerful energy healing modalities available today. It is a multi-dimensional healing modality that returns us to wholeness; and when something is whole there can be no dis-ease. VortexHealing® uses Divine energy and Divine intelligence which transforms our body’s energy systems promoting physical and emotional wellbeing with amazing efficacy.
VortexHealing® is especially well suited to animals because animals understand energy and love this energy! (Animals have asked me to do energy work on them). The energy is never harmful or painful to the animal. Animals tend to relax deeply and even fall asleep during a healing session. It is highly effective over distance thereby minimizing unnecessary stress for you and your animal companion with yet another trip to a vet or practitioner.
VortexHealing® can be used for any emotional, mental or physical challenge you and your animals are facing. Combining animal communication with this healing modality is a powerhouse because the animal can give direct feedback as to what is or what is not working.
Here are some examples of how energy healing can help:
- It can help animals heal from disease or physical injury.
- It can help animals feel more calm and relaxed.
- It can help them process and release fears, anxieties, phobias, traumas.
- It can open all the chakras and meridians bringing in divine energy to keep them healthy.
- It can help shorten recovery time post-surgery.
- It is a great adjunct to traditional therapies for injury or illness.
- It can help with destructive or aggressive behaviors like biting or excessive barking.
- It can help with feral and wild animals where getting the animal to a medical facility is not viable.
Eileen, being a skilled healer, is also available to support you (your animal’s companions) with your physical, emotional and mental well-being.
Contact Eileen at AnimalCommunicationWithEileen@gmail.com to explore this modality for you and/or your animal companion.
Disclaimer: Note: I am not a doctor (or vet). I am intuitively guided (Divinely guided) and information and techniques used in my practice do not constitute medical advice or treatment. These sessions are complementary healing modalities that in no way substitute for medical interventions. Always seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or vet.
“VortexHealing®” is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights Reserved. Used here with permission. To learn more about VortexHealing® go to www.vortexhealing.org.